Windows 10

How to repair corrupted USB storage and reset to defaults

Whenever I connect my USB to PC it says “you need to format the disk in drive before you can use it”. When I try to format, it shows the disk capacity as 662MB which is the Linux image file size and not the original size of 8GB. How do I format the USB drive and start using it like before?

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AntiMalware Status

Configure the Windows Powershell to display only the current folder name in the shell prompt

You would like to have customized [easyazon_link identifier=”B071RMR12G” locale=”US” tag=”wn0d5-20″] PowerShell [/easyazon_link]prompt on your new machine. Especially you do not want to see full path…

View More Configure the Windows Powershell to display only the current folder name in the shell prompt