How to batch reply in Google Apps email

From time to time you may have situation that you need to reply to lots of recipients. Good news is that you can accomplish this with [easyazon-link asin=”B008560WEU” locale=”us”]Google Chrome Extension[/easyazon-link]. It is  very helpful especially if you need to reply to many people with similar emails that requires same response each.

The Google Chrome extension is : Batch Reply for Gmail


Simply click the button Add to Chrome and it will add button to reply to all selected conversations on Gmail™ – [easyazon-link asin=”1460939212″ locale=”us”]Google Apps[/easyazon-link] email. You will need to sign out and sign in to your [easyazon-link asin=”0132725185″ locale=”us”]Google Apps[/easyazon-link]email or Gmail and you will now notice the new button on top REPLY – and it is ready to be used 🙂
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