BlackBerry 9000 – App Error 200 – part # 2

Here I am again .. my BlackBerry 9000 came up with the “White screen of the death” and message App error 200. I have tried to connect my BlackBerry 9000 over USB cable to my pc and reload the OS as I did last time when I received the same error message. However, this time it was very different. I could connect the device with PC but I could not load the software to the device at all. It always failed. I was on the edge that on Monday morning .. first thing will be calling the manufacture support and get RMA for my phone. I just got simple idea in the process of trying to figure out and I have removed my SIM card — wow .. the phone boots up and loads all software no problem. So I have re-inserted my SIM into phone === App error 200appears .. It seems that the phone is OK and my SIM card seems to be the culprit and problem. I will need to visit my provider and get a new SIM card for phone :-)

Acctually I have to continue .. Black Berry is fixed but it has nothing to do with the SIM card. I have simply done these steps to correct the issue with my BlackBerry:

  1. Remove the SIM
  2. Boot up and one in the normal operational mode
  3. Security erased my BlackBerry
  4. Inserted my SIM and boot the phoen up
  5. Resyc with my desktop
  6. All works .. seems to me that one of the 3rd party applications on the phone will have something to do with this problem.

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