Windows 10

Windows 10 new shortcuts URI for fast access to settings

You may noticed that Windows 10 is offering new way – shortcuts to access certain setting much faster than we used to have in previous versions of Windows. You can use these shortcuts to access almost any settings of Windows 10. Almost all pages in the Settings has their own unique URI, which stands for “Uniform Resource Identifier”. Here’s how to create and make a shortcut that open directly to a Settings page in Windows 10:

  1. Right-click or tap and hold on any blank place on the Desktop or File Explorer.
  2. Choose New -> Shortcut.
  3. In the type the location of the item input text box, enter the ms-settings URI for the corresponding Settings page that you want the shortcut to open. Refer to the table below for the specific ms-settings URI. For example, to open the Data Usage Settings page, type ms-settings:datausage in the input text box.



Closed captioning ms-settings:easeofaccess-closedcaptioning
High contrast ms-settings:easeofaccess-highcontrast
Keyboard ms-settings:easeofaccess-keyboard
Magnifier ms-settings:easeofaccess-magnifier
Mouse ms-settings:easeofaccess-mouse
Narrator ms-settings:easeofaccess-narrator
Other options ms-settings:easeofaccess-otheroptions
Battery and power
Battery Saver ms-settings:batterysaver
Battery Saver settings ms-settings:batterysaver-settings
Battery use ms-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails
Power and sleep ms-settings:powersleep
Display and user interface
Backgrounds ms-settings:personalization-background
Colors (display) ms-settings:colors
Colors (personaliation) ms-settings:personalization-colors
Date and time ms-settings:dateandtime
Display ms-settings:display
Mouse and touchpad ms-settings:mousetouchpad
Personalization ms-settings:personalization
Region and language ms-settings:regionlanguage
Screen rotation ms-settings:screenrotation
Speech ms-settings:speech
Start ms-settings:personalization-start
Themes ms-settings:themes
Typing ms-settings:typing
Network and radios
Airplane mode ms-settings:network-airplanemode
Bluetooth ms-settings:bluetooth
Cellular ms-settings:network-cellular
Data usage ms-settings:datausage
Dialup ms-settings:network-dialup
DirectAccess ms-settings:network-directaccess
Ethernet ms-settings:network-ethernet
Manage Wi-Fi ms-settings:network-wifisettings
Mobile hotspot ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot
Proxy ms-settings:network-proxy
Wi-Fi ms-settings:network-wifi
VPN ms-settings:network-vpn
For developers ms-settings:developers
Offline maps ms-settings:maps
Optional features ms-settings:optionalfeatures
Account info ms-settings:privacy-accountinfo
Calendar ms-settings:privacy-calendar
Camera ms-settings:privacy-webcam
Contacts ms-settings:privacy-contacts
Feedback ms-settings:privacy-feedback
Location ms-settings:privacy-location
Messaging ms-settings:privacy-messaging
Microphone ms-settings:privacy-microphone
Motion ms-settings:privacy-motion
Other devices (privacy) ms-settings:privacy-customdevices
Privacy ms-settings:privacy
Radios ms-settings:privacy-radios
Speech, inking, and typing ms-settings:privacy-speechtyping
System and user
Connected devices ms-settings:connecteddevices
Family and other users ms-settings:otherusers
Lockscreen ms-settings:lockscreen
Notifications and actions ms-settings:notifications
Proximity ms-settings:proximity
Signin options ms-settings:signinoptions
Storage Sense ms-settings:storagesense
Tablet mode ms-settings://tabletmode/
Windows Update ms-settings:windowsupdate
Work access ms-settings:workplace

Have fun to explore the possibilities ! 🙂

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