You may noticed that [easyazon_link identifier=”1515194310″ locale=”US” tag=”wn0d5-20″] Windows 10 [/easyazon_link] is offering new way – shortcuts to access certain setting much faster than we used to have in previous versions of Windows. You can use these shortcuts to access almost any settings of [easyazon_link identifier=”1491947179″ locale=”US” tag=”wn0d5-20″] Windows 10 [/easyazon_link]. Almost all pages in the Settings has their own unique URI, which stands for “Uniform Resource Identifier”. Here’s how to create and make a shortcut that open directly to a Settings page in [easyazon_link identifier=”0735697965″ locale=”US” tag=”wn0d5-20″] Windows 10 [/easyazon_link]:
- Right-click or tap and hold on any blank place on the Desktop or File Explorer.
- Choose New -> Shortcut.
- In the type the location of the item input text box, enter the ms-settings URI for the corresponding Settings page that you want the shortcut to open. Refer to the table below for the specific ms-settings URI. For example, to open the Data Usage Settings page, type ms-settings:datausage in the input text box.
Accessibility | |
Closed captioning | ms-settings:easeofaccess-closedcaptioning |
High contrast | ms-settings:easeofaccess-highcontrast |
Keyboard | ms-settings:easeofaccess-keyboard |
Magnifier | ms-settings:easeofaccess-magnifier |
Mouse | ms-settings:easeofaccess-mouse |
Narrator | ms-settings:easeofaccess-narrator |
Other options | ms-settings:easeofaccess-otheroptions |
Battery and power | |
Battery Saver | ms-settings:batterysaver |
Battery Saver settings | ms-settings:batterysaver-settings |
Battery use | ms-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails |
Power and sleep | ms-settings:powersleep |
Display and user interface | |
Backgrounds | ms-settings:personalization-background |
Colors (display) | ms-settings:colors |
Colors (personaliation) | ms-settings:personalization-colors |
Date and time | ms-settings:dateandtime |
Display | ms-settings:display |
Mouse and touchpad | ms-settings:mousetouchpad |
Personalization | ms-settings:personalization |
Region and language | ms-settings:regionlanguage |
Screen rotation | ms-settings:screenrotation |
Speech | ms-settings:speech |
Start | ms-settings:personalization-start |
Themes | ms-settings:themes |
Typing | ms-settings:typing |
Network and radios | |
Airplane mode | ms-settings:network-airplanemode |
Bluetooth | ms-settings:bluetooth |
Cellular | ms-settings:network-cellular |
Data usage | ms-settings:datausage |
Dialup | ms-settings:network-dialup |
DirectAccess | ms-settings:network-directaccess |
Ethernet | ms-settings:network-ethernet |
Manage Wi-Fi | ms-settings:network-wifisettings |
Mobile hotspot | ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot |
Proxy | ms-settings:network-proxy |
Wi-Fi | ms-settings:network-wifi |
VPN | ms-settings:network-vpn |
Other | |
For developers | ms-settings:developers |
Offline maps | ms-settings:maps |
Optional features | ms-settings:optionalfeatures |
Privacy | |
Account info | ms-settings:privacy-accountinfo |
Calendar | ms-settings:privacy-calendar |
Camera | ms-settings:privacy-webcam |
Contacts | ms-settings:privacy-contacts |
Feedback | ms-settings:privacy-feedback |
Location | ms-settings:privacy-location |
Messaging | ms-settings:privacy-messaging |
Microphone | ms-settings:privacy-microphone |
Motion | ms-settings:privacy-motion |
Other devices (privacy) | ms-settings:privacy-customdevices |
Privacy | ms-settings:privacy |
Radios | ms-settings:privacy-radios |
Speech, inking, and typing | ms-settings:privacy-speechtyping |
System and user | |
Connected devices | ms-settings:connecteddevices |
Family and other users | ms-settings:otherusers |
Lockscreen | ms-settings:lockscreen |
Notifications and actions | ms-settings:notifications |
Proximity | ms-settings:proximity |
Signin options | ms-settings:signinoptions |
Storage Sense | ms-settings:storagesense |
Tablet mode | ms-settings://tabletmode/ |
Windows Update | ms-settings:windowsupdate |
Work access | ms-settings:workplace |
Have fun to explore the possibilities ! 🙂
[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”160″ identifier=”1491947179″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”wn0d5-20″ width=”122″]