Google Drive changing to Google File Stream

Google finally making the Google File stream available to everyone as of September 6, 2017. Early adopters had chance to play with this new product since March. Google Drive File Stream is a new desktop application that allows you to quickly access all of your Google Drive files on demand, directly from your computer, meaning you use almost none of your hard drive space and spend less time waiting for files to sync.

Yo should see by now the settings in Admin console:

  •  Admin console for Drive File Stream (located at Apps > G Suite > Drive and Docs > Data Access)

NOTE:  These settings won’t go into effect for your users until Tuesday, September 26th, when Drive File Stream becomes generally available.

With this launch, Google Drive for Mac/PC is officially deprecated. It will no longer be supported starting on December 11th, 2017, and it will shut down completely on March 12th, 2018.

A few important things to note:

  • In October, Drive for Mac/PC users may start seeing messages in the product notifying them that Drive for Mac/PC is going away.
  • If a user is running both Drive File Stream and Backup and Sync on the same machine, they’ll be prompted to stop syncing My Drive with Backup and Sync in order to save disk space.
  • Team Drive editors won’t be able to edit their Team Drive files when they’re opened in Drive File Stream; they’ll only be able to view them. To edit these files, they’ll need to open them in Drive on the web.

Available to all G Suite editions.

More info on features and detail info visit this Knowledge Base article.


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