I was just researching few apps today and I have found real gem – application – Drive Notepad. This is FREE app at this time and you can find it on Google Web store. Once you add this application to your [easyazon-link asin=”0985886722″ locale=”us”] Google Drive [/easyazon-link], you will be able to create text files in [easyazon-link asin=”B00D3KPCFM” locale=”us”] Google Drive [/easyazon-link]. What is really great now you can view, edit, save all kinds of text files and the app supports many scripting and programming languages.
You can for example create a file with any of these extensions:
.txt .html .coffee .js .pl .rb .rbw .scss .sass .xml .c .cpp .h .cs .json .php
.scad .svg .clj .css .java .py .scala .textile .m .cu .csv .tex .bib .rtf .rtx
.sh .sql .pas .as .r .yaml .md .nc .cnc .ncc .tap .hpp .lua .bp .pbi .ino .log
.properties .cfg .config .conf .nxc .ini .go .tcl .bat .cmd .groovy .abc .ahk
As well you can use syntax highlight when you are using porticular file
c c++ clojure coffeescript c# css C9-search coldfusion diff go haxe jsx groovy html
java javascript json ocaml perl php python ruby scad scala scss svg textile xml latex
liquid lua markdown powershell sh sql xquery yaml
The app is now stable and work very nicely. When you create a new file, Drive Notepad defaults to the file extension of your most recently saved file. The syntax highlighting will be set accordingly.
To open/create a new file:
- go to your Google Drive
- Click on Create and select from the menu Text Document (once you have added the Drive Notepad)
- It will open as text document by default
- Click on the blue small toolbar and select Format as
- Now you can select for syntax highlight you want to use in your file
Here are few screenshots from the app.
[easyazon-image align="none" asin="1782160485" locale="us" height="160" src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51q8J8i8ExL._SL160_.jpg" width="130"]