It is sad news at least for me as I am heavy user of this Google application. Google Reader is great tool and helps me easy to manage and organize my RSS feeds from different sources. Unfortunately Google thinks this application is underutilized and not used as it should be. Hardly someone can believe it
Google Inc said it will shut Google Reader on July 1, citing declining usage for the application that aggregates content served by web feeds, as it forges ahead with its strategy to focus on fewer products that have more impact. Google Reader was launched in 2005 to make it easy for people to discover websites of interest and keep tabs on them.
There are many new alternatives to Google Reader and some users pointed out alternative readers such as Feedly and NewsBlur, and Feedly was quick to capitalize on Google’s announcement by offering tips to Reader users for moving their data to its website. Both these alternatives comes with support for devices on both sides iPhones and Android.
on July 1, 2013, we will retire Google Reader. Users and developers interested in RSS alternatives can export their data, including their subscriptions, with Google Takeout over the course of the next four months
More info can be found at official Google blog:
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