If you are preparing for CompTIA Cloud Essentials exam there are good news . Finally CompTIA authorized courseware is now available and you can purchase it trough Amazon.
- [easyazon-link asin=”0071800433″ locale=”us”] CompTIA Cloud Essentials Certification Study Guide (Exam CL0-001) [/easyazon-link] (Certification Press) – not ready yet, you can preorder.
- [easyazon-link asin=”111840873X” locale=”us”] Cloud Essentials: (CompTIA Authorized Courseware for Exam CLO-001) [/easyazon-link] by Sybex – available right now.
If you are interested in video training , it is also now available and you can purchase the training from these providers:
- TrainSignal – CompTIA Cloud Essentials Training
- CBT Nuggets – Cloud Computing
There is also very good course about Cloud Computing – Amazon Web Services for FREE at Udemy