Microsoft released a new KB2492934 – Web Site on [easyazon-link asin=”0735656703″ locale=”us”] Small Business Server 2011 [/easyazon-link] when extended by Sharepoint. If you one of those who messed up your Default website on[easyazon-link asin=”0735649111″ locale=”us”] Small Business Server 2011 [/easyazon-link] by extending the website with SharePoint you may find this KB very useful.
The Default Web Site on a Small Business Server 2011 is home to different virtual directories for Exchange Server 2010 and Remote Web Workplace. Extending the Default Web Site using SharePoint results in most of these virtual directories failing with a variety of error messages. In this scenario, almost all virtual directories are rendered completely broken after the extension and will result in multiple problems (notably the inability to connect to the server via Outlook Anywhere, OWA, Remote Web Access, and the inability to manage the Exchange server with Exchange Management Console or PowerShell). This article will discuss the changes made to the Default Web Site in Small Business Server 2011 Standard when SharePoint has been extended onto it and how to reverse those changes
Last Review: January 1, 2013 – Revision: 6.0
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