It can happen everyone 🙂 I forgot the password which I have setup of Sysop account in the beginning during installtion of [easyazon-link asin=”0596519796″ locale=”us”] Mediawiki [/easyazon-link] for our team. Today is the situation when I need to log in to [easyazon-link asin=”1847196047″ locale=”us”] MediaWiki [/easyazon-link] as the Sysop account but no password works. Gladly this can be fixed very fast and easy by using this command line 🙂
php /usr/share/mediawiki/maintenance/changePassword.php --user=sysop --password=NewPassword
The script will immediately reset your sysop’s password with what you have entered above. Now you can log in without any problems!
[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”1904811590″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”130″]