Cannot create a receive connector in Exchange 2007 after installation of SP3

As always it pays off to wait for a while when new Service Pack is released by Microsoft. I have no doubt they do not check and test their packs but sometimes things happen. In this case if you are the “lucky one”  who just installed straight forward the latest Service Pack 3 for Microsoft Exchange 2007 that is also part of [easyazon-link asin=”0672329573″ locale=”us”]Windows Small Business Server 2008 [/easyazon-link] you will find out there is a problem 🙁  Once you have installed the Service Pack 3 for Exchange you won’t be able create a receive connector in your [easyazon-link asin=”0470042893″ locale=”us”]Microsoft Exchange Server 2007[/easyazon-link]. The reason is that this Service pack 3 does not properly run all checks and update your Active Directory schema so this causing this corruption and issue. Microsoft already acknowledged this problem with this Service pack 3 and Knowledge Base Article has been released and is public: KB2457729

Based on the KB2457729 article the correct steps to install this Service Pack 3 for Ms Exchnage 2007 are:

  • Open Microsoft Exchange Management shell
  • run this command /prepareschema
  • now install Service Pack 3 for MS Exchange 2007

Once you follow up these steps you should be good and all should work as expected.

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”0672329573″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”123″]

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