Hmm.. so I was playing around with my Cisco router and somehow did not pay attention to my fingers. Result — I forgot the password what I have typed in
Here is how to recover and get the device back to business:
These pre-requisites must be met;
- Working serial console connection to the device, (a Cisco rollover cable is required)
Connect to the device’s console port (9600, 8, N, 1, None)
- Reboot or power on the device
- Enter ROM Monitor Mode (aka ROMmon) by entering a suitable Terminal Break Sequence
- Change the Configuration Register to 0×2142 using this command: confreg 0×2142
- Reboot – The device will boot without using it’s startup configuration and will be in it’s factory default configuration
- Log in and enter enable (aka privileged) mode using this command: enable
- Copy the startup config to the running config using this command: copy start run
- Change the enable password and/or secret as appropriate using commands: enable password and/or enable secret
- Change the Configuration Register back to 0×2102 using this command: configuration-register 0×2102
- Save the running configuration to the start up configuration using this command: copy run start
You are good to go again