How to upgrade OpenFire server to new version


So new version of OpenFire server has been released and now I need it to update. Obviously I do not want to lose all the hard work I have put into it to configure with Active Directory. Here are  few easy steps how to do this without loss of the configuration:

  1. Go to and download the latest release of the OpenFire server
  2. On the server stop all the services for OpenFire
  3. Go to C:Program FilesOpenFire and copy this entire directory to new location on your machine
  4. Once you copied all over to different location you have just backed up the installation
  5. Now click on the downloaded new Openfire package
  6. Follow up the instruction, make sure you install it to the same location (C:Program FilesOpenFire)
  7. Once the installation completed and no errors occurred
  8. Start the OpenFire server
  9. This has now completed the upgrade/update and you should have all setting intact

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