Here is a quick command to know if you want to know all about your hardware configuration of the local system. Simply run in sudo privilege mode with –short switch for brief list of the hardware on your local system under [easyazon_link asin=”0672336936″ locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”wn0d5-20″ add_to_cart=”default” cloaking=”default” localization=”default” popups=”default”] Ubuntu [/easyazon_link]. More options are available if you are interested just check the help for the utility.
sudo lshw --help
To list options for the command with –help switch
sudo lshw --help Hardware Lister (lshw) - B.02.16 usage: lshw [-format] [-options ...] lshw -version -version print program version (B.02.16) format can be -html output hardware tree as HTML -xml output hardware tree as XML -short output hardware paths -businfo output bus information options can be -class CLASS only show a certain class of hardware -C CLASS same as '-class CLASS' -c CLASS same as '-class CLASS' -disable TEST disable a test (like pci, isapnp, cpuid, etc. ) -enable TEST enable a test (like pci, isapnp, cpuid, etc. ) -quiet don't display status -sanitize sanitize output (remove sensitive information like serial numbers, etc.) -numeric output numeric IDs (for PCI, USB, etc.)
As I said to get nice brief info on the hardware configuration run in with –short switch
sudo lshw --short
[easyazon_block add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”0672338378″ cloaking=”default” layout=”left” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”wn0d5-20″]Ubuntu [/easyazon_block]