As I am new and trying to work with [easyazon-link asin=”1449397492″ locale=”us”] Mac OS X Lion [/easyazon-link] sometimes I need to have same features as I have on [easyazon-link asin=”1449314031″ locale=”us”] Windows [/easyazon-link] machine. One of the simple feature I need is to quickly lock my screen when I am walking away from my machine, so the screen is locked and require password before you can access the screen again. There 2 ways to accomplish this and here are both solutions.
Here are steps to enable this functionality:
- Press F4
- Click on System Preference icon
- Click on Security And Privacy
- And check in option => require password < immediately >
- Click on the Lock and save your changes
- Now you can press Control + Shift and Eject and screen will be locked on your machine
Other option is to do this by adding Keychain icon to your menu bar and do it manually but this option has also benefit of quick access to keychain
- Go to Finder > Applications > Utilities
- Click on Keychain Access icon
- Check in option = Show keychain status in menu bar
- now small Lock icon is added to menu bar and if you right click on the icon you will see few options – Lock screen, Access to keychain .. etc
Both ways are easy to use so why not use it
[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”1449397492″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”122″]