SBS 2008 – Cannot connect to the configuration database

After few months of waiting I have decide to apply the [easyazon-link asin=”B0043M58VC” locale=”us”] Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 [/easyazon-link] patch KB2687456 on Small Business Server 2008, all went fine till I am tried to access the company website link. Company website is not accessible and have only error message: “Cannot connect to the configuration database.”

Gladly this can be fixed very easy and it takes around 20 minutes:

  • Log on to your [easyazon-link asin=”0672329573″ locale=”us”] Windows Small Business Server 2008 [/easyazon-link]
  • Open up a command prompt with elevated rights
  • Navigate to this directory => C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb Server Extensions12BIN
  • run this command from that location
psconfig -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -force

Now sit tight and wait, it will take around 20 minutes to to trough the process. You should see SUCCESS message after each steps is completed. Once completed all 4 steps you should have the message “Configuration of the SharePoint Products and Technologies has succeeded” on your screen. Now go back to your browser and try to access your company web – all should be back in normal and accessible on your server.

Here are screenshots of the process:

[nggallery id=25]

[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”0672329573″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”123″]

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