Probably you have noticed if you are using [easyazon-link asin=”159749027X” locale=”us”]WSUS[/easyazon-link] server in your network environment that new category has been added into the repository .. SKYPE version 5.9 started to be offered via [easyazon-link asin=”B002C1AN1G” locale=”us”]WSUS[/easyazon-link] by Microsoft . There are or were few issues with this rollout and update since this suppose to be deployed only to the machines thjat already have earlier version of SKYPE installed. Unfortunatelly it got messed up and happened that it was pushed down the line to every client on the network. If this happened to you and you want to uninstall this update from one or multiple machines you can do it via [easyazon-link asin=”073565672X” locale=”us”]psexec[/easyazon-link] and here are the provided command lines:
psexec \computername -h -s MsiExec.exe /X{EE7257A2-39A2-4D2F-9DAC-F9F25B8AE1D8} /qn
or remove it from list of machines
psexec @C:pclist.txt -h -s MsiExec.exe /X{EE7257A2-39A2-4D2F-9DAC-F9F25B8AE1D8} /qn
This should take care of the removal of unwanted SKYPE roll up or update on your machines.
- Microsoft KB = KB2692954
- Microsoft Technet Social Forum on this issue = Technet Forum
For you info it should be now disabled/expired update as of today on the WSUS servers and should not be distributed over your network.
The new update of [easyazon-link asin=”B0042AE9H4″ locale=”us”]Skype[/easyazon-link] is providing these enhancements:
- Voice and video calling your Facebook friends from Skype
- Taking video snapshots during your video calls with a hotkey
- Microsoft Bing Bar included as part of the install package
The new skype is quite a bit buggy. This isn’t what I’ve been expecting.
yes, we can expect to see more trouble in future with Skype under Microsoft control. Personally, I have moved to GoogleTalk for communication and Skype is used on rare occasions 🙁