Get serial number/TAG from remote pc with use of wmic

Here is simple command line that works on Windows XP/VISTA/Windows 7, if you are in need to get the serial number aka TAG from remote computer on your network.

  • Go to START / RUN and type CMD click OK
  • now type in this command :
  • wmic /user:Administrator /node:Computername bios get serialnumber
  • Once you press ENTER, you will be prompted for your Administrator password
  • Enter the Administrator’s password, press ENTER and you will receive the serial number aka TAG from the remote computer

UPDATE (2017):

Noted that this does not work very well on current Windows 10 machines. However here is easy replacement to achieve same goal with PowerShell :-):

For Locale computer:

Get-WmiObject win32_bios

For Remote computer:

Get-WmiObject win32_bios -computername PC001

This will provide you with detail information about BIOS on the local/remote machine:

  • SMBIOSVersion
  • Manufacturer
  • Name
  • Serial Number
  • Version

Have fun !

11 Replies to “Get serial number/TAG from remote pc with use of wmic”

  1. Hi,
    I have ran this command wmic /user:Administrator /node:Computername bios get serialnumber. but only getting serial number through IP only, through hostname this command is not working.

      1. Tested in Windows 10 an dindeed it has issue. However you can try to open PowerShell – run as Administrator and here are commands:
        For Locale computer: Get-WmiObject win32_bios
        For Remote computer: Get-WmiObject win32_bios -computername PC001

        Both worked as long as you are running as Admin and have privileges.


  2. How to get remote machine’s OS:
    wmic /NODE:[remote_machine_ip_address] /USER:[remote_machine_name]\administrator OS GET NAME[press enter]
    [enter administrator password]

    How to get remote machine’s serial number:
    wmic /NODE:[remote_machine_ip_address] /USER:[remote_machine_name]\administrator BIOS GET SERIALNUMBER[press enter]
    [enter administrator password]

    HOW to get remote machine’s Model type:
    wmic /NODE:[remote_machine_ip_address] /USER:[remote_machine_name]\administrator CSPRODUCT GET NAME[press enter]
    [enter administrator password]

    1. Do you have correct permissions ? I have just tested on Windows 10 – domain joined computer and I am able to pull info from remote machine with the PowerShell

       Get-WmiObject win32_bios -computername  PC001 

      What is the error you are getting ?

      1. no it is not work
        this error getting

        PS C:\Users\itv128> Get-WmiObject win32_bios -computername dnbtd084
        Get-WmiObject : Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
        At line:1 char:1
        + Get-WmiObject win32_bios -computername dnbtd084
        + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-WmiObject], UnauthorizedAccessException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWmiObjectCommand

      2. PS C:\Users\itv128> Get-WmiObject win32_bios -computername dnbtd084
        Get-WmiObject : Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
        At line:1 char:1
        + Get-WmiObject win32_bios -computername dnbtd084
        + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-WmiObject], UnauthorizedAccessException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWmiObjectCommand

        this error getting when i am put

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